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Re: About the term "AFOL"
lugnet.general, lugnet.faq
Thu, 26 May 2005 22:01:44 GMT
11153 times
Nice. I'm going to adopt this one myself : )

Allan Bedford wrote:
So when asked, I simply tell people I'm a "LEGO builder".  It's short and sweet
and seems to get the message across with little explanation required.  If I'm
speaking about people here on LUGNET or people who post to Brickshelf I might
refer to them as other "adult LEGO builders" (1) without ever trying to turn it
into an acronym.

Just my two cents.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: About the term "AFOL"
(...) This is probably my biggest issue with it as well. When I hear the word 'fan' I have a hard time disassociating it from 'fanatic'. Also, I work in an environment where I'm besieged with acronyms daily... sometimes two or three per sentence. I (...) (19 years ago, 26-May-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.faq)

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