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Re: About the term "AFOL"
lugnet.general, lugnet.faq
Thu, 26 May 2005 20:50:44 GMT
10921 times
In lugnet.general, Mike Walsh wrote:
I really dislike the term "AFOL" and find it mildly offensive to be called
one.  I would never refer to myself as an AFOL and I don't use the word in
conversation.  Could be just me, but I don't care for the term.

Suz's drive-by butt-in..
I don't use AFOL in ref to myself because I don't like it either. Not that it's
-horrible-, but I don't feel as though it covers me. "Fan" implies "fanatic",
which I'm not. (Though I certainly was ten years ago..)

Plus it's difficult to speak.  :-) I say, "an A-F-O-L".  ...heh, it's like some
of the old Usenet terms that were never really meant to be used offline.

When talking to strangers, I describe people of the greater community as "adult
LEGO users" or simply "LEGO enthusiasts". And I describe myself as: "a
blahbidy-blah using LEGO as a medium." Blah being based on my audience.
"curriculum developer", "educational toy designer", "modeler", "student",
"ed-tech researcher", or whatever.

that's my two cents of data! :-p  :-) hee-hee.

btw, I'd never look down on anyone for using the term. or for considering
themself accurately depicted by it.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: About the term "AFOL"
(...) This is probably my biggest issue with it as well. When I hear the word 'fan' I have a hard time disassociating it from 'fanatic'. Also, I work in an environment where I'm besieged with acronyms daily... sometimes two or three per sentence. I (...) (19 years ago, 26-May-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.faq)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: About the term "AFOL"
"Jason Spears" <> wrote in message [ ... snipped ... ] (...) enthusiast. And (...) [ ... snipped ... ] I posted a few weeks ago regarding my feelings of the term "AFOL": (URL) my post, I don't think (...) (19 years ago, 26-May-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.faq)

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