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Re: Universal Color List...finally
Sat, 20 Nov 2004 16:02:30 GMT
4460 times
In lugnet.color, Johannes Koehler wrote:

   I wonder, though: It was said those old-colour packs were limited to 10,000 bags each ( But they are still available. So does that mean that 2500 Lugnet members + assumably double that number of AFOLs who are not Lugnet members wouldn’t be able to get 10000 bags of old grey bricks “sold out”? I’m not saying it’s a bad thing they are still availabe, quit the contrary. I just wonder if the official number of “10,000” was completely true? Or if oldgrey bricks are even still in production? Maybe they (TLC) didn’t know exactly how many oldgrey pellets they still had in stock so they just guessed it would be enough for 10000 bags of bricks and plates, but it turned out they had more on stock so they continue the production. Or they just said “limited to 10000” to get us buying as soon and as many as possible.....

The absolute truth is that there were 10,000 bags of each of color (3 colors x 2 bag styles) produced. I’m am beyond positive about this because I was part of this process. I’m not sure what else I can do to make you believe that, and my fear is that you’re not going to believe me no matter what I do. That’s your choice.

The reality is that AFOLs, the primary market for these bags, haven’t bought enough to sell them out. Some bags remain in higher quantities than others, and MANY more bags were sold in the US than in Europe. I’m not saying this is good or bad, it just “is”.

Jake McKee
Community Liaison
LEGO Community Development

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Universal Color List...finally
(...) Ah, so they're just not sold out yet ... was wondering myself there. I confess I'm feeling a bit guilty for not buying my share as AFOL. Well ok, I DID buy around 40 copies of gray baggies and still I could have bought more ... but what would (...) (19 years ago, 20-Nov-04, to lugnet.color,, FTX)
  Re: Universal Color List...finally
Hello! (...) Thanks, I accept that. I have no reason to doubt you tell the truth. I was just hoping... (...) Maybe because in Europe there are three Legolands and some LEGO Stores where you can buy loose bricks (oldgrey and oldbrown amongst others) (...) (19 years ago, 20-Nov-04, to lugnet.color,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Universal Color List...finally
Hello! (...) For those who have a Pick-a-Brick nearby it's much cheaper to get their oldgrey bricks from there. Yes, I got packs with oldgrey bricks from Shop-at-Home and when I sorted the pieces into my sorting boxes I realized how few pieces I got (...) (19 years ago, 20-Nov-04, to lugnet.color,

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