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Re: Steam Drivers by Big Ben Bricks!!!
Tue, 11 Nov 2003 00:31:08 GMT
2288 times
In lugnet.trains, John Neal wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, John Neal wrote:

   I think a “set” would be the minimum amount, say 4. If I were Ben, I’d charge $14 for a set of 4, or $24 for a set of 8. But your points are well taken: true LTDs (LEGO Train Dudes) would purchase multiple sets in various colors:-)


Makes sense. Except I think it’s better just to sell them in pairs because you never know how many blinds you will need... it depends on what you are building... a 4-12-2 for example needs more blinds than a 4-4-0 does

From the customer’s POV; I said what I would do if I were Ben. In order to get back his monetary investment (nevermind his time investment), he is going to need to sell 1,000s of these. Also, he is planning to manually create the blind drivers, adding even more time into the equation. So from that standpoint, you half your necessary sales by selling 4 rather than 2 at a time.

Nod. Good point and thanks for the clarification
Further, speaking as a Bricklink customer, I rarely bother placing an order for less than $15 in order to minimize my hit on shipping costs, so the $15-25 price point is a good one IMO. I’d leave it to the secondary market on Bricklink to distribute the onesies and twosies. In fact, Ben might even cut deals with some of the larger stores, providing bulk discounts to them. That would create a win-win-win situation for BBB, the BL store, and the consumer.

Nod. IF (and it’s a big if) BL will allow them to be sold there. It’s currently a big open question in the BL discussion groups, with the usual suspects participating and little or no visibility into what Admin really thinks. As usual.

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  Re: Steam Drivers by Big Ben Bricks!!!
(...) From the customer's POV; I said what I would do if I were Ben. In order to get back his monetary investment (nevermind his time investment), he is going to need to sell 1,000s of these. Also, he is planning to manually create the blind (...) (21 years ago, 11-Nov-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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