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Re: Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 16:23:37 GMT
883 times
In lugnet.announce.moc, John Neal writes:
Well, it was quite a building year for Ross-- he turned 13 a few weeks back and
this MOC was the last thing he built before becoming a <shudder> teenager:

I entered it into Rene's building contest.  There are so many amazing things he
did in this loco, I just hope my pics are able to show them.  We also bought
some decals for it to snazz it up further:-)

Hi John,

WOW!  As a newbie of sorts my first jaw-dropping response to a LEGO train
was seeing Ross's Pacific 4-6-2.  A while back you hinted that Ross had a
proto freight deisel in the works and I've been periodically returning to
Ross's Brickshelf folder ever since waiting for it to appear.  It may not
mean much coming from a newbie, but I think this MOC is fantastic!

Are those mini-fig hands on the guard rails?  I've never noticed that done
before.  What are the fans made out of?  A lot of great details!

Although I haven't made any detailed MOCs of my own (yet), for a while I've
been thinking I'm probably going to be a 6-wide guy (don't hate me! :-).
Ross's GP-50 has given me reason to reconsider 8-wide.

Tell Ross he's got amazing talent (if just a newbie opinion means anything)
and thanks for the great pictures!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50
(...) lol It doesn't matter if you are a newbie or James Mathis-- it means a lot! I sure Ross will be gratified by your kind words! (...) Yes, they are hands. This is a modified technique that was begun by Dan Siskind of the GMLTC when he used (...) (22 years ago, 20-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50
Well, it was quite a building year for Ross-- he turned 13 a few weeks back and this MOC was the last thing he built before becoming a <shudder> teenager: (URL) entered it into Rene's building contest. There are so many amazing things he did in this (...) (22 years ago, 20-Nov-02, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.trains) !! 

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