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Re: Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 20:53:42 GMT
908 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:

Very impressive model. Of course building it 8 wide and making it
proportionally long (to match the width) highlights the limitations of using
a fixed wheelbase motor I guess. Those trucks seem out of proportion to the
rest of the model (too short, wheels too small, etc).

I'll bet you are responding to the straight side shot:

I'll admit that that is probably the least flattering pose for that MOC for the
very reason you mentioned-- locked-in wheelbase for the motor unit.  Ross built
this train to *run*, but know that if he were creating a static display, he
would have abandoned the motors in a NYM and created his own trucks.  I know
this because I just finished building some Gunderson Maxi-stack III container
cars and needed custom trucks for them (the LEGO ones were too high and they
rubbed).  I built some, Ross saw them, built his own version of my version, and
now I am using *his* version, and will use his version on *all* of our TCLTC
rolling stock.  I will have to get some shots of them-- they are really nice.

He did, at one point, look at somehow attaching gears to train wheels he had
pulled out of the holders, but I don't know what came of that.

I wonder how this model would look in 6 wide? I wonder if Ross is a good
enough modeler to get anywhere close to that level of detail and accuracy if
working in a size that better matched the trucks? I bet he is, even if his
father perhaps (we can't say for sure) isn't. :-)

I believe that the wheel height is about correct for "O" scale (at least the
outer flange)-- I know that the regular LEGO train wheels are actually *larger*
than "O" scale.  So going *down* in scale would heighten that problem, along
with the fact that the track gauge is wider than "O" gauge as well...

In the end, it is all about trade-offs.  Yeah, Ross' MOC might look funny from
the side, but not more than a 6 wide does from the front or back (compared to a
prototypical engine).  I think 8 wide provides the *least* proportion-related
problems *when trying to model prototypically*.

BTW, WRT to the wheelbase of the motor-- that distance works like a charm if
you are attempting to build a 6 axle loco as I am right now.  I am doing my
best to keep up with Ross! :-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50
(...) Please do get some shots. Custom trucks are a big interest of mine. Until we get to see the pics, how did he mount the wheelsets to the truck. Do the trucks (that is couplers) work out to a standard height- all of my attempts end up a little (...) (22 years ago, 20-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50
(...) Very impressive model. Of course building it 8 wide and making it proportionally long (to match the width) highlights the limitations of using a fixed wheelbase motor I guess. Those trucks seem out of proportion to the rest of the model (too (...) (22 years ago, 20-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)

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