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Re: Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 06:22:41 GMT
799 times
In lugnet.trains, Jeremy Scott writes:
Since he has no activity here on Lugnet, posting wise, I sure hope he at
least gets to see these encouraging responses.

But of course!  He reads every response and is very grateful for all of the
compliments.  Even though he is getting to the age where he could participate
in LUGNET, the fact is that this kind of venue doesn't have much appeal to him.
He's a builder, and really only checks the web when I happen to find something
cool to show him.

Ross, you have a telent!!! I cannot believe the models you have created at
such a young age.  Being fairly inexperienced in advanced building
techniques, I see your stuff and learn a lot.  Thanks for inspiring us
younger AFOLs and KFOLs with models that blow away lots of the adults!!!  LD
should hire you to make the next MOC lego set. (Jake: nudge nudge)

Thanks Ross for allowing your dad to share your awesome stuff!

Believe me, it is his pleasure to share his stuff, and mine to present it!
Glad you enjoy it.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50
Since he has no activity here on Lugnet, posting wise, I sure hope he at least gets to see these encouraging responses. Ross, you have a telent!!! I cannot believe the models you have created at such a young age. Being fairly inexperienced in (...) (22 years ago, 21-Nov-02, to lugnet.trains)

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