Re: Connect to Under Arch (was: Re: Ross Neal's ISCC Contest entry: BN EMD GP-50)
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 17:04:54 GMT
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In lugnet.trains, James Mathis writes:
> In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
> <snip ideas from babes...or teens>
> > ha:-) Actually, after having talked to him about the whole idea, he said that
> > he had seen something like it at LLC. Anybody recall such a technique used
> > there?
> Although not 1x1 rounds into the underside of arches, this window treatment
> from a building in Miniland(R) at LEGOLAND(R) California demonstrates the
> general technique.
Rats! It's too bad you couldn't get a detailed shot of that window! ;-D Is
that a mosquito sitting on that window?
> At the time I was more curious about the off-ideal-axis interlace of the
> 3-fingered levers at their vertex. Also, the glue-job at the vertex.
> Concerning the 1x4x3 white windows below the arch, I was curious where or
> how the shutter tabs are not seen since the brick frame around the window is
> only 6-wide...or is this window frame a "train window" frame as seen from
> the "back"? Did the shutter tabs get cut off or filed down? I wish I'd
> gotten a side-view of this roof-top window.
I'd say "neither". Aren't those the windows from the basic buckets that are
2 studs deep? I couldn't find it in the parts ref, but here is a pic from the
intructions ref that kind of shows what I'm talking about:
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