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Re: Meeting Thoughts Was: GATS Size
Thu, 17 May 2001 19:36:57 GMT
819 times
Larry & All,

Chris/Amy/Tony can correct me if I'm wrong but as far as Tables....

GATS is supplying those for the GATS show, we just need to say how many (and
maybe bring a bunch of packages of those pine shims/furring strips to get
all the legs to the same height) we need, right Chris?

The SF con would presumably be supplying them for the SF show, right Amy?
Exact height alignment is not as critical here

The church would be supplying them for the fundraiser event, right Tony?

We didn't need tables, I was just telling the cost of the tables that were
there at Sam's, as we were discussing them at the last meeting at Chris's
house. All tables will be provided at all three places. My oversight.

Scott S.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Meeting Thoughts Was: GATS Size
(...) Ah, OK. Check. Cool. Tony, what did you and Chris come up with on leveling tables. Do we need to scrounge up clamps to attach some of the tables to each other (I have one pair of spring clamps) ++Lar (24 years ago, 17-May-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Meeting Thoughts Was: GATS Size
(...) Chris/Amy/Tony can correct me if I'm wrong but as far as Tables.... GATS is supplying those for the GATS show, we just need to say how many (and maybe bring a bunch of packages of those pine shims/furring strips to get all the legs to the same (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-01, to

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