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Re: (tentative) new Toronto lego robot contest
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 00:17:01 GMT
632 times
"Chris Magno" <> wrote in message

Iain, I posted a huge thing then realized that i never answered your

Yes you can store the blocks off the board.

Okay, phew. That allows me to make up for my lack of understanding of
complex processing :)

(I can do sequence-driven events no problem. It's when I have to figure out
different conditions that I get nipped. That's why this is going to be such
a challenge for me! I have to make up for the lack of smarts by sheer speed
in the gantry itself.)

By turning the block up side down, the studs lock into each other.  try
it, its cool.

Don't you just love it when studs lock into each other?



P.S. - Dad and I put together the Cab/Cafe (power) car of the Metroliner
tonight! It looks great, except for those crap blue windows! :)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: (tentative) new Toronto lego robot contest
(...) have you seen if you can get the metroliner correction kit? Or whatever it is to make yours correct. (23 years ago, 16-Oct-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: (tentative) new Toronto lego robot contest
Iain, I posted a huge thing then realized that i never answered your question. Yes you can store the blocks off the board. DAVE: (...) umm, no. I'll post pictures of my idea of a game board later. If you tile the cell then the blocks could shift (...) (23 years ago, 15-Oct-01, to

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