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Re: New Site
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 20:36:45 GMT
536 times
In, Adam Wood writes:

"Scott E. Sanburn" <> wrote in message

There are a lot of Christian bands I like, Dc Talk, Jars of Clay, Third • Day,
Big Tent Revival, etc. I have a ton of them, but Petra, IMO, has been
sounding better and better, although some of the songs of Double Take are • a
little funky. : ) I love God Fixation, awesome album!

Never heard of 'em.. Though if you want me to throw any Morbid Angel,
Cannibal Corpse, Bolt Thrower or Ministry your way, just ask...

   AiiiEEEE Cannibal Corpse!  You know, those guys don't even take
   THEMSELVES seriously.  They're sort of like the GWAR of gross.
   Ew.  Ew.  Ew.

   Anyways, I've somehow considered "modern pop" to be really an
   uncomfortable fit with the religious message--it just seems to
   be sneaking in the backdoor.  Even though I'm not a Christian,
   little on Earth moves me the way Handel's _Messiah_ does.  Pop
   music as a format just seems too "small" for a message of that
   magnitude--it's too selfish an enterprise, too centered on an
   individual person (or groups of people), which I guess is a
   concern that could be leveled at evangelism (or ecumenicalism!)
   sui generis.

   But then, that's my flaming UUism showing through.  :)

Anyway, to each his own, there are enough bands out there for everyone!
: )

Yup. But I can't resist hassling Christians. It's what I do best. I need
_some_ outlet for being forced to do twelve years in a Catholic College....

   What is it about religious education that tends to polarize people
   one way or the other?  I don't have any problem with those who
   espouse the Christian (in the US sense) message, provided they're
   engaged in a dialogue with the wider world rather than a tirade
   against it.  Fortunately, most are the former.



   (FUT-> .o-t.debate, not because I'm being argumentative, but because
           it's becoming more serious of an information exchange.)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Site
"Scott E. Sanburn" <> wrote in message (...) Day, (...) a (...) Never heard of 'em.. Though if you want me to throw any Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Bolt Thrower or Ministry your way, just ask... (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to

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