Re: New Site
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 01:55:10 GMT
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Matt & All,
> > I just have one thing to say...PETRA.
> Go wash your mouth out with holy water!
You do it, pal! ; )
I happen to love Petra, after what, 25 years or so?
There are a lot of Christian bands I like, Dc Talk, Jars of Clay, Third Day,
Big Tent Revival, etc. I have a ton of them, but Petra, IMO, has been
sounding better and better, although some of the songs of Double Take are a
little funky. : ) I love God Fixation, awesome album!
Anyway, to each his own, there are enough bands out there for everyone! : )
Scott "Who could blab all night baout his favorite Christian brands, but has
to pack up stuff for the event this weekend!" S.
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: New Site
| "Scott E. Sanburn" <> wrote in message (...) Day, (...) a (...) Never heard of 'em.. Though if you want me to throw any Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Bolt Thrower or Ministry your way, just ask... (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to
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