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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10625
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Re: what do you think of editorals regarding the environment?
Wed, 30 May 2001 21:57:05 GMT
223 times
In, Tom Stangl writes:

Bottom line, we're heading for a planet wide catastrophe, and SOON, and we
need to

What are you thinking of when you say soon Tom?  I'd give it 30-100 years.

do something about it.  So here comes the actual debate part...

What CAN we do about it?


NOW, not in the next couple of centuries?  Is education
"the answer"?

I think that it is ultimately the only solution that can actually address the
problem.  But how do we get there and how do we speed it up?  The answer is
that it would be so costly, that we are unwilling to do so.  We will have to
ride it out.  And if it's a big'n then we're just SOL.

I don't think so.  It is ONE of the answers, but it's going to affect
slow changes, and I don't know if the planet has that much time.  What
else can we do?

What do you think?

I don't seriously think we will choose to save both the planet and
technologically sophisticated human beings unless one of two things happens:
space travel or a Vingean technological singularity that would change all the


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: what do you think of editorals regarding the environment?
(...) Sounds about right to me, and that's within (hopefully) my lifetime, so I consider that soon ;-) (...) Yeah, but that really sucks, doesn't it? I would rather have a plague that wiped half the planet's population (or left 90% of the women (...) (24 years ago, 31-May-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: what do you think of editorals regarding the environment?
(...) I agree with your "solution". Reducing population via education is the BEST solution (not the draconian "solution" practiced in China for a while where many female babies were left to die because males were "more desirable"). (...) The only (...) (24 years ago, 30-May-01, to

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