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Re: Lego Outlet in Georgia
Mon, 7 Feb 2000 04:09:57 GMT
1205 times
Could it mean "discounted"?


Matthew Teets wrote:

Just returned this weekend from the Lego Outlet in Dawsonville.  3 things
caught my eye on this trip because of their age.  There could have been other
stuff, but these 3 seemed the most unlikely finds (All catalogs in them are in
Japanese so I assume they must have been overstock.)

6038 Wolfpack Renegades - $6.87 (castle)
1815 Paridisa Lifeguard - $4.99 (paridisa)
6278 Enchanted Island - $34.59 (pirates)

All of them said "disc" in front of them on the receipt (Discontinued?) so
obviously there probably isn't a limitless supply, but there were at least 20
of the smaller sets and at least 10 of the larger.


Dennis Williamson - Certified Y2K Complacent

Bad News: The next millenium starts on a Monday.
Good News: You get the day off.

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  Lego Outlet in Georgia
Just returned this weekend from the Lego Outlet in Dawsonville. 3 things caught my eye on this trip because of their age. There could have been other stuff, but these 3 seemed the most unlikely finds (All catalogs in them are in Japanese so I assume (...) (25 years ago, 7-Feb-00, to

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