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Re: Technic Shuttle for £4!!
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 22:38:18 GMT
2204 times
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:47:46 GMT, Richard uttered the following profundities...
Poor Peter James! He could loose thousands overnight if he honours all of the
orders, and lose customers if he doesn't. Now if it were a TRU website I
wouldn't feel *too* bad about taking advantage of their mistake..

Would there be any way to cancel this if they decide not to honor their price?
I'm ordering from the US, and with the cost of shipping, I'll get ten for the
price of three!

I don't know of the top of my head.

But I've just placed a modest order (2 shuttles, plus some wild west stuff).

I don't care about Karma - you'll work out why in a moment.  I expect them to
honour the deal.

Because in my spare time, when I'm not playing with Lego, I like to pretend
I'm a consumer law expert (hence the total absence of Karma concerns.  A lab
rat has more conscience).

Please let us know, what arguments you use to make them
honour the price, if successful!
(Nope.  Can't use that tag, it belongs to someone else.)

Richard D.
(That's taken too.  Try again.)

Been here, though quiet (hears cheers in the background....)
for a while.....
Bloodsucking Leech
(accurate and unique)

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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Technic Shuttle for £4!!
(...) I don't know of the top of my head. But I've just placed a modest order (2 shuttles, plus some wild west stuff). I don't care about Karma - you'll work out why in a moment. I expect them to honour the deal. Because in my spare time, when I'm (...) (25 years ago, 29-Nov-99, to

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