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Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 23:26:28 GMT
2092 times
In, Colby Chapman writes:
When was this, I went to that store tonight just before 6pm, and they only
had Huki.  I have been to a few different stores over the weekend, and they
all seem to have opened different boxes first, as I have 1, 2 and 3.  Just
check out another store, and remember, you can buy the toy without the meal!


How do you buy the toy without the meal? And how much does it cost?
I never thought you can buy toys without the meal, I thought thats why
it was called Happy Meal just so the kids have something to play while
eating the food.

Something to play with while eating the food? Well, it could be done that
way... but my child is not allowed to play with the toy until *after* the
meal is finished. It gets us out of McD's significantly sooner. ;-)



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
(...) How do you buy the toy without the meal? And how much does it cost? I never thought you can buy toys without the meal, I thought thats why it was called Happy Meal just so the kids have something to play while eating the food. Colby. (23 years ago, 20-Aug-02, to

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