Polybag Racks (was: Shopping Anecdote and Suggestions (Long))
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 15:02:03 GMT
840 times
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In, Mike Walsh writes:
> "John Hansen" <> wrote in message
> > Another shopping story:
> [ ... snipped ... ]
> >
> > $5 is big price point for kids and grandmas. Roboriders and Throwbots are
> > about a buck too expensive to be impulse purchases. Lego would sell a bunch
> > more if they could be bought on a whim rather than as a planned purchase.
> [ ... snipped ... ]
> I have mentioned this before but I think it is worth repeating. LEGO should
> have a bunch (like 50) different small sets similar to the Shell promo sets.
> They should be available at Wal-Mart, Target, and other regular LEGO
> retailers as well as and probably more importantly, grocery stores and
> convenience stores. At $2 each they are impulse buys like Hot Wheels are.
This reminds me of one of my favorite childhood memories. Every time I would go
grocery shopping with my grandfather, on the way back we would stop at a little
drugstore. They had this tall rotating rack full of Matchbox cars, and I would
always get a Yoo-Hoo or something and a Matchbox car. Now me getting a $2
Matchbox car every other week wasn't a big deal, but there is no way I could
have got a $10 LEGO set even once. Not that I didn't get a lot of LEGO growing
up, it's just that it was more of a Christmas and birthday kind of thing.
Looking back, I think about how great it would have been if all those $2
Matchbox cars were LEGO sets, and how much more great old LEGO I would have
now. This is a great idea, Mike!
LEGO already has polybag sets. The problems are:
1: They are usually with the rest of the LEGO in a toy store
2: When I have seen them in other places (supermarket checkouts, etc.), there
is only one set - no variety.
I think it would be great if LEGO were to install racks of assorted $2 polybag
sets in drugstores, grocery stores, hobby stores, anywhere that will take them.
This would do so much to get LEGO in the hands of kids more often (in the
between gift-times lull), because it would be easier for them to lobby for a $2
set, and also easier for a parent or grandparent to take a risk on a gift if
it's only two bucks.
The key is assortment. A kid should look up at this rack and see at least 20 or
so different sets (I remeber the Matchbox rack having at least 50). This way,
the kid has a choice, and he can go back and get something new every time.
Plus, (selfish AFOL interest) LEGO could re-release old polybags to diversify
the assortment at a low cost.
I think this is the best and most productive idea to come from us yet. It is
such a small step that would do so much to improve LEGO's standing with kids.
Please, somebody at LEGO at least acknowledge this and give us a response!
> When the Shell sets were available I picked up two or three each time I
> bought gas. If there were a wide variety of these available I bet a lot of
> kids would buy them because they are (a) likely to have $2 or $3 of their
> own money or (b) Mom, Dad, or some other adult will buy it for them because
> it isn't much money in the grand scheme of things. It is much easier for a
> child or someone without a lot of money to buy things $2 or $3 at a time as
> opposed to $20 or $50 at a time.
> Mike
Thanks again, Mike!
-Marc Nelson Jr.
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 | | Re: Shopping Anecdote and Suggestions (Long)
| "John Hansen" <> wrote in message (...) [ ... snipped ... ] (...) bunch (...) [ ... snipped ... ] I have mentioned this before but I think it is worth repeating. LEGO should have a bunch (like 50) (...) (24 years ago, 9-Mar-01, to
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