In lugnet.general, Kelly McKiernan wrote:
> If this community overwhelmingly demands the rights to use profanity without
> consequence, it's my personal opinion that it would harm the overall LEGO set of
> communities. A large part of what we as AFOLs do at shows and in public is to
> promote LEGO as a hobby, a family-friendly alternative to ubiquitous video
> gaming or mindless TV. If one of the premier LEGO enthusiast communities
> developed into a non-family-friendly site (e.g. containing "mature" content),
> that hypocrisy would undermine the vast amounts of goodwill that many of you
> have helped to foster. Is that what you want to do?
> I ask everyone in this thread who found it necessary to intentionally disregard
> the language rule to rethink their post, and request a cancel and repost. You
> can get your point across without the language.
> - Kelly
And I've stated that I like the non-profanity, kids or no. But if it is an
issue, then, especially for the kids who may be reading posts, I do think that
we should seriously consider the autofilter on posting. COntrary to what others
state, it wouldn't take much CPU power to go thru submissions before posting and
$^$&% any word that may be in a database--whether it's Carlin's 7 or
So we're either serious about this, in which case we add it to the programming
on the LUGNET server, or we're not, in which case time-outs are not
warranted/valid--the ToU seems to be applied 'ad hoc', i.e. some get letters
from admins asking for a cancel request for using certain words, and others do
If LUGNET's law applies equally, then let the 'puter make it equal across the
Dave K
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Bye, bye LUGNET
| (...) - snip - This discussion venue, despite what many obviously believe, does not have an agenda to tell you what you should think or what to believe. It's a simple request, really: please just keep the cussing down. Let me be clear on one thing. (...) (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to lugnet.general)
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