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Re: Bye, bye LUGNET

Tue, 1 Mar 2005 18:08:30 GMT
1438 times
Now this is an interesting idea.
It seems like a simple way to deal with George Carlin's 7 dirty words.
Turn the filter on by default.  If people want to turn it off, let them
: )

David Koudys wrote:

/filter off


/filter on

whether you wanted to see the actual 'profane' words or not.  I'm not asking
LUGNET to implement this coding, but if 'the coders' just implemented a generic
'across the board' filter--turn whatever into #$#%#.

Then there would be no obfuscating, no 'hiding behind the rulz' or even 'letter
vs spirit' of the law--a standard database with naughty words such that, if
posted, would result in #%##$.

How tough could that be?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Bye, bye LUGNET
IMHO, It would take a huge amount of processing power to analyze the text of every single post. THat's why human brains do it here, not computers. And what happens when you analyze this sentence: I was trying to finish it, but the earthquake smashed (...) (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to lugnet.general)

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