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Re: Request for Feedback - focused thread
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general, lugnet.color
Mon, 10 May 2004 05:11:48 GMT
84 times
In, Jeff Szklennik wrote:
   In, Jake McKee wrote:


Jake McKee
Community Liaison
LEGO Community Development

What if Lego would reverse 1 or 2 of the 4 new colors (lt gray, dk gray, brown, & purple-correct?) instead of all 4? would this be a do-able compromise? it could be like choosing the new M&M or Lifesavers colors (well, un-choosing i guess). anyways, I’d vote for:

MOST IMPORTANT (IMHO): dk gray-if only one could be changed, make it this one


2nd: brown

to be changed back, as those seem to clash the most (in my opinion). I like the lt gray enuf, & i hardly had any purple anyways. If the “recycling-colors-into-other-colors” theory is true, blue could stiil be put into the new remaining lt gray, & red put into the new remaining purple.

Thanks for yor time, Jake & Lego co.


Interesting idea! It does raise a good question, which color is most important if you could change one back.

I’d like to suggest (as a reader) that this part of the thread be moved over to lugnet.color, or at least kept out of lugnet.general... thanks.

I’ve XFUT accordingly.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Request for Feedback - focused thread
In, Jake McKee wrote: SNIP (...) What if Lego would reverse 1 or 2 of the 4 new colors (lt gray, dk gray, brown, & purple-correct?) instead of all 4? would this be a do-able compromise? it could be like choosing the new M&M or Lifesavers (...) (21 years ago, 10-May-04, to, lugnet.general, FTX)

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