Re: LUGNET Spotted in LEGO Mania Magazine - Thread?
Fri, 9 Jun 2000 12:55:49 GMT
1433 times
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> I personally
> don't consider this an issue and frankly no one else has come out to support
> your side of the issue.
Sorry for responding to your message twice. But your line above, when I read it
the second time, reminded me of this exchange:
By quoting, I am not saying a agree with it 100% :-)
Scott A
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: LUGNET Spotted in LEGO Mania Magazine - Thread?
| (...) the (...) Scott, I won't be long winded about this but could you please drop this issue. Todd made a change to the home page to try and settle your grievance. I personally don't consider this an issue and frankly no one else has come out to (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jun-00, to lugnet.general)
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