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 General / 18753
18752  |  18754
Re: Wow! This guy is good!
Tue, 6 Jun 2000 21:14:54 GMT
1014 times
In lugnet.general, Eric Joslin writes:
In lugnet.general, James Brown writes:
I got pointed at this site by an eBay auction, and was floored by this guy's

Are we sure these aren't made with Eric Harshbarger's "Lego-izer"?  Without • any
sort of person or other object for scale, they could just be filtered • pictures.

If they are real, though.... wow.  I mean, if they're so well done I think • they
must be fake, they gotta be pretty good. :D

The PixelEGO program's pictures are only viewable by a Java Applet, not in just
a plain image files, so I don't doubt them.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Wow! This guy is good!
I think this person actually did these portraits... I don't think he would have the gall to auction them if not... How naive I am... Also - isn't there a way to 'capture' a java applet picture into a jpeg file? EC (25 years ago, 7-Jun-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Wow! This guy is good!
(...) This is not so. My Pixelego Application (the latest version taht was released about a month ago) can save a filtered image as a standard GIF file. (URL) ---...--- Eric Harshbarger / / "Oh (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jun-00, to lugnet.general)

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  Re: Wow! This guy is good!
(...) sort of person or other object for scale, they could just be filtered pictures. If they are real, though.... wow. I mean, if they're so well done I think they must be fake, they gotta be pretty good. :D eric (25 years ago, 6-Jun-00, to lugnet.general)

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