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Re: Whoo hoo!!!
Sun, 4 Mar 2001 02:11:04 GMT
7623 times
In, Jon Furman writes:

AHHHH!  I hate cryptic initials!  :-)

LIC store?  Where in Anaheim?

just up in Chino Hills, CA

I don't know if this is the store they are referring to, but between
Disneyland and disney;s california adventure there is ashopping center
called downtown disney.  There is a sizable Lego store located at the west
end.  They have all of the Ninja Heroes in copious quantities.  I was there
last weekend.  Since I live in Oregon, It was an unexpected find.  I saw a
kid with a scala set in her bag, and after a brief interrogation, I ran for
about 2 blocks at full sprint.  You should have seen my wife's face!  It's
well worth the drive from Chino Hills ( I used to live around valencia )  Jon

Sorry for not being specific enough. In LIC I meant Lego Imagination Center.
As Jon said it is in the new Downtown Disney and has been open for about a
month. The phone number in case anyone is intrested is 714-991-6512. I just
got home from my fourth trip there. To be honest I'm actually a little
disappointed in the store. So far they are stocking almost only 2000 and
2001 sets that can be found pretty much everywhere else. Prices are a bit
above normal retail prices too, but that's life in the Disney Universe. The
biggest disappointment is the lack of service packs (only 5151, or something
similar)in this store, unlike the Orlando LIC, which I had the pleasure of
visiting in October of 1999. The Orlando store also seemed to carry a larger
selection of older sets, as well as SOH exclusive sets such as 6473 RES-Q
Cruiser and 6435 Coast Guard HQ, for example. What I am impressed with are,
like Jon said, the mass quantities of Minifig Heroes sets available (I have
most of them now) as well as 2 of the 3 new model sets, 3723 LEGO
Mini-Figure and 3450 Statue of Liberty!!!! They have a 3450 built and on
disply behind the cashwrap and I must say it is pretty impressive, albeit
smaller than I imagined. I'm already saving up my $200. I can't wait to
build it, then break it down and use the 2800 pieces of 'sand green glory'
on something else!! I was also able to pick the first Alpha Team set
released, 6771 Ogel Command Striker last week. Ogel now wears a black great
helm, carries a black lance, and rides a black steed while leading my evil
forces into battle... If anyone has any questions about LIC Anaheim please
let me know and I'll be happy to answer.

Christopher Pisciotti
Loch Forest, CA

-I lurk no more :)

PS- I searched through the parts bin in the store's Belville section looking
for a 1x1 round plate in pink for Shiri's wheel, but as she said it doesn't
appear to be produced. I do have a dk pink flower (Rose/flower, get it?)
that she may be able incorporate into the wheel. Let me know if you want it
Shiri. BTW your latest MOC is fantastic!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Whoo hoo!!!
(steam coming out of ears at more cryptic comments) :-) Now, just imagine that I haven't lived in southern california all my life and didn't first visit Disneyland in (oh gosh! Erasing date and simply mentioning I remember it before the flying (...) (24 years ago, 4-Mar-01, to
  Re: Whoo hoo!!!
(...) Hey Christopher! Thanks for looking, I appreciate it! I honestly think that LEGO has never produced a trans. pink 1x1 but I'd love for anyone to prove me wrong. As for the pink flowers, I do have those, and that's an awesome idea! Thanks! I (...) (24 years ago, 5-Mar-01, to, lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Whoo hoo!!!
(...) I don't know if this is the store they are referring to, but between Disneyland and disney;s california adventure there is ashopping center called downtown disney. There is a sizable Lego store located at the west end. They have all of the (...) (24 years ago, 3-Mar-01, to

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