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Re: Change in LUGNET news appearance
Tue, 18 Dec 2007 23:27:02 GMT
8279 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Rob Antonishen wrote:

From the Gogle TOS:
"No Google ad or Google search box may be displayed in a pop-up,
pop-under, or in an email."

They enforce this quite agressively.

If you are getting pop-ups, they are 99.9999% not likely to be coming
from Google, or Google Adsense.

-Rob A>


that's what I expected in the first place - however the ad mentioned is entirely
possible as they apparently do have both "mature" content and - well - content
that could pass Google rules. I have not made the effort to check out which is
which - I rather chose to ban their ads altogether which luckily enough is very
easy to achieve with the AdSense program.

As for the popup itself, I am of course curious to see such a thing myself.
Should I be able to prove it comes from a Google AdSense ad, the advertiser can
be sure this ad won't last long. I know that Google is renowned for enforcing
their policies and in this particular case very rightfully so.

The other point to make is of course that LUGNET is not strictly a kids' place,
especially if I browse the newsgroups or look at the web statistics. However, I
am in full agreement that we should keep this site kid-safe just in case. Being
a father myself, I have very strong points on what I would like my kids to see
and what I want to protect them from. Good to see that everyone seems to share
this view.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Change in LUGNET news appearance
(...) Geoff- From the Gogle TOS: "No Google ad or Google search box may be displayed in a pop-up, pop-under, or in an email." They enforce this quite agressively. If you are getting pop-ups, they are 99.9999% not likely to be coming from Google, or (...) (17 years ago, 18-Dec-07, to lugnet.admin.general)

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