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Re: 8 vs. 6 (was: Excited to Finally be here...)
Fri, 11 Feb 2000 10:46:04 GMT
2084 times
On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Mike Poindexter (<>) wrote at

In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
Ahh, if you phrase it "What scale are LEGO trains?",a question the GMLTC hears
constantly at train shows, the answer is a quick "L" scale (the GP isn't savvy
enough to handle "MF";-)  What scale it approximates with respect to model
railroading is debate fodder in NGs:-)


I suppose Lego trains could be L6 for 6 wide and L8 for 8 wide.  Anybody else
want to start a Lego Train Scale naming convention?


How about just AR - artistically right.

Tony Priestman

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 8 vs. 6 (was: Excited to Finally be here...)
(...) I suppose Lego trains could be L6 for 6 wide and L8 for 8 wide. Anybody else want to start a Lego Train Scale naming convention? Mike (24 years ago, 11-Feb-00, to lugnet.trains)

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