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 Pirates / 1468
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Re: (Non-LEGO) Recommendation
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:43:13 GMT
2372 times
In lugnet.pirates, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
In lugnet.pirates, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.pirates, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
Timmies vs. Pirates!  Wooohooo!  First dibs on the pyrates!

No, you need guys with a big S on their torso, not a big T.

Sea *S*couts not Sea Touts.

Sea Trouts?  I thought they were freshwater.  I've got other fish to fry.
Timmies will do in any case: it's a truism that Boy Scouts always have those
little axes with them, those just become boarding axes.  :-)

   No, no, no...sea *Touts*.  You know, they sell illegal tickets,
   secondhand merchandise, all of that.  They'd probably sell you a
   defective hull sealant, or a cracked peg leg.

   This tweedehands stuff aside, I'm quite in favour of Timmes Vs.
   Anyone.  However, I no longer have enough Timmies to do anything
   remotely entertaining with them.  I may have to use stripe-shirt



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: (Non-LEGO) Recommendation
(...) Sea Trouts? I thought they were freshwater. I've got other fish to fry. Timmies will do in any case: it's a truism that Boy Scouts always have those little axes with them, those just become boarding axes. :-) Bruce (23 years ago, 29-Nov-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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