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Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action)
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 09:23:09 GMT
1100 times
Maybe the Islanders can feed on the torsos of the ex-crew.

No, only the heads.

The attack was made by a group of female heads (thanks Eli!). When they
rolled by and saw poor Princess Leia cut off at the waist for a figurehead,
they were angered and they determined to avenge her. After beheading the
male crew, the female heads attached themselves to the still-twitching
torsos to form the new Frankenstein Femme Fatale crew of the Wobbegong.
Admittedly there was a bit of a scragg fight over who got the most
highly-prized torso, the one with the wooden leg :-)

The Wobbegong sailed to Mel's house on Sunday for the BUGS meeting but sadly
Mel didn't provide any minifig food, so the piratesses moved the skeleton so
it hung from the bowsprit as bait for the local sharks. And indeed minutes
later they were rewarded when a shark leapt up and bit the skeleton getting
the leg stuck in the shark's throat . So, the Wobbegong sailed back to Port
Dining Table (its home berth) with the shark still thrashing about, hanging
off the bowsprit. It will be fish and chips for all on the Wobbegong


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  Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action)
(...) Or die by being sawed. (...) At the Nepean River Bend Sink Hole, Red Beard the (female) pirate has been recruiting females for crewing the Red Beard Rutter. Those red hulls are kind of hard to come by, but wenches are in good supply, seeing (...) (23 years ago, 26-Mar-01, to

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