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Re: The Wobbegong sails forth
Newsgroups:, lugnet.pirates
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 00:47:50 GMT
1456 times
In, Kerry Raymond writes:

Actually, what I had meant was that the possession of a bow and stern
inspired me to try to build a large pirate ship. If I hadn't had them, I
probably would have built something else. I actually think you could build a
bow & stern using conventional bricks, albeit with some pixelation.

Indeed. Just look at the "Indescribable" and friends!!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Wobbegong sails forth
(...) Yes, it wasn't just the Islanders that suffered at the hands of the pirates on the Wobbegong. The Flying Ninja Fortress was also raided and lost their red-capped skeleton and all those ninja-blue-with-gold hatch covers. Fort Legoredo also (...) (23 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to, lugnet.pirates)

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