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    The Wobbegong sails forth —Kerry Raymond (13-Mar-01)
        Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Ross Crawford (13-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Kerry Raymond (13-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Lindsay Frederick Braun (13-Mar-01)
          Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Kerry Raymond (14-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Kerry Raymond (14-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Martin Scragg (14-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Peter White (15-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Sheree Rosenkrantz (26-Mar-01)
        Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Richard Parsons (14-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Kerry Raymond (15-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Ross Crawford (15-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Richie Dulin (15-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Martin Scragg (15-Mar-01)
         Re: The Wobbegong sails forth —Richie Dulin (15-Mar-01)
         Dread Pirate Roberts (was "The Wobbegong sails forth") —Franklin W. Cain (15-Mar-01)
        Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action) —Kerry Raymond (26-Mar-01)
        Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action) —James Howse (26-Mar-01)
        Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action) —Peter White (26-Mar-01)
        Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action) —Kerry Raymond (27-Mar-01)

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