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Re: The Wobbegong sails forth
Newsgroups:, lugnet.pirates
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 03:31:09 GMT
1575 times
In, Kerry Raymond writes:
You could build masts entirely out of 2x2 rounds,
but you would need a lot more 2x2 rounds than I possess to build all the
masts that way. You could use 2x2 squares for the lower parts of the mast,
but the problem would be that they would probably become unstable at mast
heights, and unlike the 2x2 round, there is no way to reinforce 2x2 squares
with technic axles. Given that the weight of the spars is all on one side of
the mast, mast stability is a consideration.

I've done masts with technic beams mounted on end. Side by side for thicker
sections, single beam for thinner ones and bowsprits. My current pirate
ship, the Revenge (captained by one Dread Pirate Roberts), is twin masted
(from two flybos) and has a technic bowsprit.

In the mid-late seventies, I build several pirate ships using the old blue
train tracks for masts.

There's also the USS Constution method to consider (2x plates iirc).

However, you may be able to use cotton rigging to add stability.
Just like real rigging!


Richie Dulin

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Wobbegong sails forth
(...) Is that THE Dread Pirate Roberts? Do you have Miracle Max on board as well? Martin (23 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to, lugnet.pirates)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Wobbegong sails forth
(...) Yes, it wasn't just the Islanders that suffered at the hands of the pirates on the Wobbegong. The Flying Ninja Fortress was also raided and lost their red-capped skeleton and all those ninja-blue-with-gold hatch covers. Fort Legoredo also (...) (23 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to, lugnet.pirates)

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