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Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action)
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 07:24:50 GMT
908 times
I finally finished my pirate vessel The Wobbegong last weekend.

Inevitably those who live by the sword die by the sword!

Last weekend the crew of the Wobbegong were beheaded by a band of marauding
women. The Wobbegong is now in the possession of a new all-female crew.
Being a bunch of house-proud little piratesses, they have installed a
stylish new ship's wheel that they found in a diver's net. They are
considering installing a few cabin doors for their personal modesty.

Fooled by these feminine touches, the Islanders are now bowing and scraping
in the hope of appealing to the new crew to return their monkey and parrot.
Alas, these maidens might externally be the comely type with red pursed
lips, but they have hearts as black as flint. They are sharpening their
cutlasses for the feast of roast monkey planned for this very night! And the
parrot will provide many a brightly-coloured feather to decorate their caps!

Then tomorrow, they shall set sail for Belville world where they shall storm
the castle, kill the pink fairies, and carry off the prince to be their
plaything. They will also steal the cat; every ship needs a ship's cat!


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action)
(...) "Awww, the faeries bring us luck, kill 'em, kill 'em all" -The mad scottish groundskeeper Willie, The Simpsons Cat, Kitten or Target? You decide! James (who thought he'd share that with you all...) P.S. For reference, stay away from (URL) (23 years ago, 26-Mar-01, to
  Re: The Wobbegong sails forth (or affirmative action in action)
(...) Or die by being sawed. (...) At the Nepean River Bend Sink Hole, Red Beard the (female) pirate has been recruiting females for crewing the Red Beard Rutter. Those red hulls are kind of hard to come by, but wenches are in good supply, seeing (...) (23 years ago, 26-Mar-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  The Wobbegong sails forth
I finally finished my pirate vessel The Wobbegong last weekend. As regular readers will doubtless know, this pirate vessel was being constructed from a rather pirate-free Lego collection. It was loosely based on the Black Sea Barracuda, but it got (...) (23 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to

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