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Re: The Wobbegong sails forth
Newsgroups:, lugnet.pirates
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 11:47:33 GMT
1289 times
In, Kerry Raymond writes:
I finally finished my pirate vessel The Wobbegong last weekend.

Congrats.  I particularly liked the skeleton hangng from the halyard(?).
Pirates in Brisbane eh? Sounds like a job for <<pause and flourish>> Captain
Sheridan of the Agamemnon ( of
Port Block ;-)

Seriously, the biggest problems with building a pirate ship without the
right parts are:

* the hull
* the masts
* the sails
* the ratlines

This is a cackle - what else is there to a pirate ship, apart from the odd
vertical wall and bit of horizontal deck :-)

See everyone - you don't have to have a ton of pirate gear to get into
pirates.  Here the main thing was apparently the bow and stern, and most
pirateheads who build big ships have an odd bow and stern to spare (just no
centre sections ;-)

Nice work Kerry.

Still baldly going...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Wobbegong sails forth
(...) Yes, it wasn't just the Islanders that suffered at the hands of the pirates on the Wobbegong. The Flying Ninja Fortress was also raided and lost their red-capped skeleton and all those ninja-blue-with-gold hatch covers. Fort Legoredo also (...) (23 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to, lugnet.pirates)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Wobbegong sails forth
I finally finished my pirate vessel The Wobbegong last weekend. As regular readers will doubtless know, this pirate vessel was being constructed from a rather pirate-free Lego collection. It was loosely based on the Black Sea Barracuda, but it got (...) (23 years ago, 13-Mar-01, to

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