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Re: Favorite castle minifigs (was Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest?)
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 01:19:49 GMT
2147 times
Oh, me too.  I can't pick a single favorite minifig.  But that's
pretty close. • (snip)
Of course, a question like this isn't limited only to the configurations
offered by the sets.   The third figure standing next to those is the
witch, but I've replaced her head with the female face from the
Adventurer sets.  A foxy witch*.  =)

My favorite custom mini-fig is my elite Black Falcon knight.  Here's the

- blue helmet with dark gray "pig nose" visor and blue dragon decorations
- blue armor torso with black arms and blue hands
- dark gray suit of armor over torso
- gray legs with black waist
- Black Knight knight head
- black sword and blue falcon shield

I've also got a Black Falcon king, queen (maiden from Maiden's Cart with a
traditional Castle/Pirate/Islander woman head), princess (King's Mountain
Fortress princess with a white hat and white arms), and a prince.  They look
very cool together!  (Or they will, once I get the second white hat,
second black sword, and second silver armor piece I need.)

Rick Kurtzuba

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Favorite castle minifigs (was Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest?)
(...) Yeah, that sounds like a cool one Rick. Hmmm, my favorite? I'm going to have to say the crusader on horse: -Grey helmet with grey visor. Red medium size plume. -smiley head (of course) -grey armor piece (I'd buy some of these) -red torso with (...) (24 years ago, 20-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Favorite castle minifigs (was Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest?)
(...) Oh, me too. I can't pick a single favorite minifig. But that's pretty close. Particularly if tricked out with black bow and quiver from the western sets. I have one of those in a Postion of Honor overlooking my computer right now. If there's (...) (24 years ago, 20-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

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