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 Castle / 726
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Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:46:47 GMT
1651 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Thompson writes:
Anyone done a favorite castle minifigs poll yet?

My favorite is the "White Knight" in set#6086 Black Knight's (or Dungeon
Master's) Castle.  It's the knight on a white horse with the blue and black
armor with dragon design, the gray helmet with gray visor, white dragon plume
and wings, and a white flag on his jousting pole.  I'm struck by the beautiful
contrast of a knight with a white motif being associated with the "Black"
Knights and the "Dungeon Master's" Castle.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
(...) Shoot! Look what you made me do! <g> Er ... "Float on a river, forever and ever, Emily" // Anyone done a favorite castle minifigs poll yet? (24 years ago, 19-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

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