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 Castle / 677
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Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 01:27:31 GMT
1406 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Thompson writes:
Oops, second reply, to lugnet.castle only --

I suppose that since TLG has been using gold/silver on recent figs (aka Space • figs),
they could technically produce them for castle, but with the huge amount of • Juniorizing
that goes into the Castle sets, I doubt this would be so.

Why do you say this?  Metallic paint was used on the torsos
as recently as the Dark Forest and Fright Knight sets.  And I
thought (although I don't have any with me to check) that
it was also used to provide detailing on the torsos of various
ninja minifigs.

Yes youre right, both gold and silver are used on the Ninja's, I only have
three ninja figures (not my specialty), but I had a look and one has gold and
two have silver detailing.

Rachel :-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
(...) Now that's a name I haven't seen in a long time.. (...) Ack! I must be in the middle of my first dark ages then. You are right, there are gold and silver on those torso. Going to hid in his dark age, Simon. LEGO: (...) (24 years ago, 19-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
Oops, second reply, to lugnet.castle only -- (...) figs), (...) Juniorizing (...) Why do you say this? Metallic paint was used on the torsos as recently as the Dark Forest and Fright Knight sets. And I thought (although I don't have any with me to (...) (24 years ago, 17-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

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