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 Castle / 675
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Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 20:02:07 GMT
1614 times
I suppose that since TLG has been using gold/silver on recent figs (aka Space • figs),
they could technically produce them for castle, but with the huge amount of • Juniorizing
that goes into the Castle sets, I doubt this would be so.

[crossposted to]

I wonder if the metallic paint TLG uses now stands up to wear better
than than the gold paint of yore.  One of my big disappointments as
an adult trader - trading figures to get a 'crossed axe' figure with
gold paint on his torso, popping him in my pocket to take to work,
forgetting he was there and carrying him around for a day or two, and
finding that I'd worn off most of his paint.  Argh.  For some reason
I think that the droid torso paint wouldn't wear off quite as quickly.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
(...) I can't remember my castle figs too well now - they are in storage :( (...) That's right, I forgot that the android figs - the red ones in Spyrius/Unitron and the white ones in Exploriens - and the alien figs have gold/silver prints, but then (...) (24 years ago, 17-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle,

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