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 Castle / 655
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Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:22:56 GMT
1095 times
In lugnet.castle, Simon H. Young writes:
Doyle wrote:

Best crest fig was the falcon most realistic, though lion would come close.
They will probably never make again because of cost. the silver and gold part.

I never realised that TLG stopped using gold/yellow on their figs anymore.  Does
anyone know when did they stop?  I don't have my Castle figs with me :( but IIRC,
the crusader (lion crested) fig in the forestman set 6077 (River Fortress) didn't
have any gold on his torso, so it must be around 1988/89 that they stopped using
the gold/silver "print".

LEGO: SP[cl++++(6825)ip++bt1-]++++(6951) PI[so++++]++
CA[dm++++(6078)bf/cr+++(6017)fm++]++++(6081) #++++ YB75M

~ maybe not in castle theme, but the recent ufo and insectoid series had silver
and gold printed detailing not only on the torso pieces, but on the legs and
heads as well...
i just looked at my crusader 'fig from #6077 (assembled right in front of me),
and he does have metalic gold on his torso. maybe it's because it's "new". i
opened this set from a sealed box 3 weeks ago.

later ~ craig~

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
(...) The "robot" minifig(s) have gold/silver printing on them. -- Jonathan Wilson (URL) (24 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Gold/Silver Fig Crest? (was Re: what is everyons favorite castle headpiece?)
(...) I never realised that TLG stopped using gold/yellow on their figs anymore. Does anyone know when did they stop? I don't have my Castle figs with me :( but IIRC, the crusader (lion crested) fig in the forestman set 6077 (River Fortress) didn't (...) (24 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

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