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 Castle / 18720
18719  |  18721
Re: Raising a model?
Mon, 1 Dec 2003 21:31:20 GMT
1953 times
I store my 2x4 bricks by making them into like-colored 4x4 stacks and then
throwing all of these together into a bucket, so it is very fast for me to just
take these 4x4 stacks as support columns.  I also sometimes make stacks of
rectangular BURPs as supports.  Then on top of these I buid up with plates and
bricks to make my landscaping.  If you are then going to build a castle on top
of  the raised landscape you have to be careful to avoid knocking the whole
thing down, or else go with a much sturdier support network.  If you aren't
going to build anything on top (and if you don't plan on moving the layout
around for shows), the ground can sort of hang in the air with less support.

Some photos:

I've raised baseplates into the air once.  I found that two plates plus a
baseplate makes about the same height as 1 brick, so I supported the baseplates
on 4x4 columns of n bricks plus two plates high, then used overlapping bricks at
the edges to sort of lock the baseplates into place against the cliff face I'd
already built of BURPs and bricks.  Sorry, no pictures of the back side, but
here's how it looked from the front:

My Meduseld was build directly onto the raised surface, so I wanted a more
sturdy base.  The interior has a lot of rectangular BURPs regularly spaced, then
there is a double layer of large plates over top.  That thing was a rock.  I'm
sure I could have stood on top of it.  After the base was built I then made the
fortress just as if I were building directly on a baseplate.  I could press down
hard without any problem of plates coming loose.  Here are the pics:

When I built Orthanc I didn't have a very good support system, so I had the
problem that when I pressed down as I was building the castle, a plate would pop
out of the rock part and the pieces would fall down into the hollow area
underneath, which was really annoying.  Here are some pictures:



Message is in Reply To:
  Raising a model?
Hi all, I know this may be a change of topic to what is most popular at the moment(colour changes and new castle sets), but I just had a question to ask for all. What do most AFOLs use as an underlay when raising a model? (landscaping, mountains, (...) (20 years ago, 27-Nov-03, to lugnet.castle)

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