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 Castle / 18679
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Re: Raising a model?
Thu, 27 Nov 2003 12:59:34 GMT
1662 times
In lugnet.castle, Mark Jordan wrote:

I have used duplo, and the normal bricks fit OK on top, but obviously only in
multiples of 2 and also only using 2*x bricks not plates or 1*x bricks.

The bonding is quite weak, so you need to remember to lift by the base not by
the upper part.

That puts Duplo out of the question. I have an abundance of light grey 1*x
pieces in all sizes, try to hold onto the 2*x bricks for strength.

What do you mean by lifting from the base and not from the upper part?

You don't need a solid base, you can build up a framework out of bricks and
plates in colours you don't use very much (resists urge to refer to new greys).
I estimate you would use 80-90% less bricks using a framework approach. .

The framework approach is where I have restarted and I find I am still using a
lot of fill in, but you are right, I am finding that Im not using as much.

usually rushed because they are the boring part.

Too right there, sometimes you can get that bored with this that the finishing
model doesnt turn out the way you imagined.

Thanks for your advice Mark....................


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Raising a model?
(...) Well thank the stars for that! (...) I have used duplo, and the normal bricks fit OK on top, but obviously only in multiples of 2 and also only using 2*x bricks not plates or 1*x bricks. The bonding is quite weak, so you need to remember to (...) (20 years ago, 27-Nov-03, to lugnet.castle)

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