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Re: 2008-01 Parts Library Update now available
Thu, 18 Sep 2008 10:06:57 GMT
6717 times
In lugnet.cad, Philippe Hurbain wrote:
When the
certified files on the tracker are put into the next update, they will be
removed from the tracker.

And they may come back on Tracker as a new version when an author improves an
already certified part. So often you have to deal with two version of the same
part, one official and one (improved) on PT.


The suggestion that fixes to already released official parts should not be in
the unofficial library download
(<>) seems reasonable at
first reading, but we need to consider the wider implications.

For example, consider the following scenario: An officially released subpart is
changed (for example to move the stud definitions back up into the parent part
to prevent reflected logos) and all the impacted official parts files are fixed
and uploaded to the Parts Tracker. The revised subfile is then found to be
useful for a new part, which is posted to the Parts Tracker. If the unofficial
download does not include the revised subfile, then the new part will be
incorrectly rendered. If it does include the revised subfile, then it should
also include all the revised parent parts.

These kinds of dependencies get straightened out as part of the update release
process, so we would only issue the updated subfile if it and all its parents
were certified, but it highlights the folly of trying to use only part of the
unofficial libray.

I am concerned if there is widespread use of parts from the unofficial library,
and I would recommend that applications do not automatically perform a wholesale
download of the unofficial library.

The most obvious answer to this is clearly faster turnaround of fixes in more
frequent parts updates. We are working on that and thank you for your continued


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2008-01 Parts Library Update now available
(...) And they may come back on Tracker as a new version when an author improves an already certified part. So often you have to deal with two version of the same part, one official and one (improved) on PT. Philo (16 years ago, 18-Sep-08, to lugnet.cad)

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