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Re: 2008-01 Parts Library Update now available
Thu, 18 Sep 2008 07:31:58 GMT
6308 times

I'm the author of SR 3D Builder and I was thinking that the update were
including part corrections and fixes at least for the official parts, but I
understand that is a huge work.

Since my appl loads the whole part library to build images for all parts, it's
easy for me to find bad lines.

Here are some other personal consideration about part library:
- as I have already told in a previous post in this subject I don't think it's a
good idea to include optional parts in the installation of the update since this
can cause people not installing them cannot load some model.
- Personally I dislike pre-colored parts because they are not useful since you
can change the color of any base part and can generate confusion in newbie.
- "official parts" should be removed from "unofficial parts" library. This is
currently making a lot of confusion in choosing parts
- last and most IMPORTANT: If anyone has the time to translate part description
and put them in a separate file (in the format "PartFileName (TAB)
"PartDescription") for each language, I can make my application load this
translation without having to change part definition. This is a great step
forward for everybody

Please let me know your opinion

In lugnet.cad, Chris Dee wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Philippe Hurbain wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Sergio Reano wrote:
Attention please:
Part 32172.dat has incomplete last line. Fix it

You are right, the file is truncated. But this mistake is not recent, it already
appeared in Parts Update 2003-02
( A corrected version is now
on PT (

Also part 4220.dat has TAB char separator instead of spaces...

This is not a problem, "The whitespace characters allowed for keyword and
parameter separation include spaces and tabs." (see

No changes were made to the content of the part files in 2008-01. This was
purely a header standardisation exercise, although minor changes were made to
part descriptions as part of this.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: 2008-01 Parts Library Update now available
(...) That has always happened in the past, and will presumably happen with the next update. The parts tracker "unofficial parts library" only contains new (unreleased) files and that have been modified since the last update. This update was (...) (16 years ago, 18-Sep-08, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: 2008-01 Parts Library Update now available
In lugnet.cad, Sergio Reano wrote: Hi Sergio, (...) This has been on the LSCs laundry list for a very long time: (URL) they even have a draft written by Jacob: (URL) if I remember correctly all the 1.0.0 and header stuff got into the way. w. (16 years ago, 20-Sep-08, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2008-01 Parts Library Update now available
(...) purely a header standardisation exercise, although minor changes were made to part descriptions as part of this. Chris (16 years ago, 18-Sep-08, to lugnet.cad)

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