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 Robotics / 5912
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Re: RIS version 1.5 coming this fall :-)
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 12:58:23 GMT
1308 times
In lugnet.robotics, Todd Lehman writes:

I think the only possible legal case they could have against any of the RCX
add-ons is some allegation of trademark dilution with regard to the title
"legOS."  Fortunately, Markus has always been careful to provide visible
disclaimers and has capitalized the name carefully, and fortunately, TLG
does not seem to feel that "legOS" represents trademark dilution against
their flagship mark "LEGO."

As a first humble contribution to this fascinating community, may I offer
Markus a second line of defense (just in case) in the form of the name


I think it has a few apt connotations:
-- footling (is that an English word?) approach (as opposed to High&Mighty)
-- foton (ahem) speed
-- frequent programmer's expression (as in "now it's ok my foot!")
-- of course, the time honoured and revered "foo"  (as in foo.c, foobar, etc.)
   (my guess is Markus will like this best)
-- and so forth - oops, sorry Ralph!

"I herewith claim Copyright (c) for the above product name until proven wrong
by someone's lawyer."
So don't take it away, it's exclusively for Markus if and when he might need

Now, Is there any danger for "NQC"...?

Martin "a rOSe is a rOSe is a..." E.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RIS version 1.5 coming this fall
(...) OK, that's what I thought. But from that, doesn't it follow that this statment would be true?-- It is possible to write replacement firmware which, when downloaded and executed, still allows new application code but prevents the downloading of (...) (26 years ago, 29-Jul-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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