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Re: TRU Kudos!
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 19:37:26 GMT
957 times

Not if I get HIM with my Suburban first!! GWA HA HA HA HA HA HA! :)

Scott "Still Friday the 13th" Sanburn

Scott Edward Sanburn wrote:

Not if I get her with my Suburban first!! GWA HA HA HA HA HA HA! :)

Scott Sanburn
Mookie wrote:

HEY!!! I drive a Chevy, and I happen to like my Blazer!!!!
you better run :)

John Neal wrote:

Mookie wrote:

Well.. I have to admit, I've had some close calls.. I've still after
about 8 years have a lump in my leg from the bike going down on it.. the
rear tire hit some gravel in a turn.. though that bike NEVER touched the
ground.. it was only a couple days old.. and I was gonna be damned I'd
lay that bike down.. I've been riding for over 20 years now.. so I don't
think I'm a "temporary biker" :)  I'm a very cautious biker.. I know I'm
a minority on the road.. Granted.. things can happen... if it does.. oh
well.. at least I went enjoying myself :)

At least you don't have a cavalier attitude about it;  cuz if you did you'd
be driving a Chevy. <ouch, look both ways, run>


Keep on Bricken'

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  Re: TRU Kudos!
Not if I get her with my Suburban first!! GWA HA HA HA HA HA HA! :) (...) (26 years ago, 16-Aug-99, to

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