In lugnet.market.appraisal, Joel Kuester writes:
> Thanks, its nice to hear that... but this is all I got, and if I am able to
> sell it, I won't be buying any more. So that kinda guarantees I won't be
> building.
Hey Joel, you are always welcome to come over and play with my Lego,
whatever you do with yours. Now that I live 15 minutes away and all.
A parallel. Lego on my desk stopped me from writing computer games. Recently
I have admitted that I will not be starting a software company, ever. In
fact Lego became the outlet for my creative efforts sometime in 1998. It
became clear to me that its appeal was on account of my day job being
utterly boring.
Plus there was the physical completion. Software doesn't have a form you can
depend on to stay around -- one little addition and suddenly the whole
program is unreliable. I hate computers. Soon there was no room on my desk
to actually work on the computer... there was always a coating of Lego
spreading into every bit of space.
(Of course, now I work on free virtual Lego software... Harumph.)
In the new house, Lego is strictly downstairs and computers strictly
upstairs. Oh, there are some brown Intelliblocks upstairs impersonating a
waterfowl, but that's ok. By the way, this also means there is no Internet
access downstairs. Could be a good thing. I had a very good 30 minute study
the other day in the Lego room. Also, in future, no wandering onto Lugnet
(or email) to interrupt building.
Now back to studying...
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