Re: opinions sought on selling a mass amount of Lego
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 21:38:27 GMT
2361 times
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In, Joel Kuester writes:
> Hello!
> I have about 800 lbs of Lego or somewhere around 500,000 parts that I am
> going to be selling in the near future. I am curious to know what more
> experienced buyers and sellers of The Brick would estimate this collection
> at, or if anyone would even be insane enough to buy it at one time. I know
> I could get more out of it by selling on Bricklinkbay, but listing all my
> parts would become a monumental task. I may end up selling selected parts
> there, but I would like to get some opinions before I start this process.
> Thanks in advance :)
> cheers!
> Joel K
Sorry to hear about your disillusionment with LEGO, Joel. I thought you were
really hitting stride with your train and town MOCs, as seen at the NILTC's
first show.
My advice would be to just box all of them up and store them-- out of sight, out
of mind. That way if you ever wanted to come back, you wouldn't have to begin
at square 1 again (which sucks).
But if money is an issue, and you feel as if you *have* to sell, then I'd shy
away from a mass sale. You'll get a pittance; you may as well just keep them.
It may be a pain, but I'd sell them off over time through Bricklink. You could
pace yourself; that way you could even supplement your income nicely on them for
a long time. And, if you had a change of heart over time, you wouldn't be
brickless yet;-)
In any event, good luck!
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| | opinions sought on selling a mass amount of Lego
| Hello! I have about 800 lbs of Lego or somewhere around 500,000 parts that I am going to be selling in the near future. I am curious to know what more experienced buyers and sellers of The Brick would estimate this collection at, or if anyone would (...) (23 years ago, 12-Mar-02, to
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