| | Re: visit to Raleigh
I'll be very please to meet you all either at the restaurant or at Mike's place. Martin (...) (25 years ago, 29-May-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
Hi, I won't bring my PC during that trip and I'm not sure if I'll be able to acces my mail, It looks like I will need someone phone number to be able to reach you, so if someone could sent is to me, I'll be at the Sheraton Imperial on Emperor (...) (25 years ago, 1-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
"Martin Legault" <mlegault@nortelnetworks.com> wrote in message news:FvHrLC.470@lugnet.com... (...) acces (...) reach (...) on (...) I am going to LA after all so my schedule for that week is as follows: 6/4 PM - Fly to LA 6/5 LA 6/6 AM - LA 6/6 PM (...) (25 years ago, 1-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
I can do 6/7, but 6/8 my in-laws arrive. Of course, we could meet more than once; 6/7 at some restaurant nearby and 6/8 at Mike's house, each of us making the dates that are convenient. I don't know the restaurants in that area; I'll leave that up (...) (25 years ago, 2-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
Anyone else out there ??? Please check in with your available dates. The more the merrier... Trying to sort things out... Recap? Martin in Raleigh June 5- 8 Cary - not available Thurs. 6/8 Frank - Mon. 6/5 ok, Tues. 6/6 ok, Wed. 6/7 is bad, not late (...) (25 years ago, 2-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) If Martin's up for it, I think more than one evening would be good. It looks like our best bet if we do a single night is Wednesday though (and I'm cool with that, I think the dinner deal I have may not happen next week, and I can skip the (...) (25 years ago, 2-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) Would be great if we could all meet the same night but looking to your schedule that looks to be impossible. 2 meeting would also be cool, look's like the 2 best days would be 6/7 and 6/8. I think that I also should let you decide the (...) (25 years ago, 2-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) I can host at my house on Wednesday 6/7 if that helps out. I live in Chapel Hill, which might make the trek a bit shorter for Sheree. I'm only 15 minutes from the Sheraton Imperial. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll mail out (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) schedule (...) I think that sounds like a good plan. Do we want to meet for dinner first and then trek over, or order takeout of some sort, or just meet after dinner? I'm inclined to skip my Wednesday activities in favor of the gathering (and (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
I don't think 'Pizza To Go' (6350) makes deliveries in my area, but Papa John's does, so if pizza is OK with everyone then takeout sounds like a fine idea. How does meeting at 6:30 sound? Martin, when does your business day conclude? Of course, (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
Cary Clark <cary@corp.nospamwebtv.net> wrote in message news:39395D32.836F20...btv.net... (...) Sounds fine. Cary, thanks ! Having it even a little closer, means I can spend more time meeting and less driving. I will need directions. It is a very (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) I've decided to bag my Wednesday stuff, so I'll be showing up. I don't really do pizza, but I'll just bring something else along with me. (...) I'd love to see the UN posters. I should order a set, but my conscience won't let me without (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
Frank Filz <ffilz@mindspring.com> wrote in message news:FvnnvI.9A8@lugnet.com... (...) Papa (...) a (...) really (...) just (...) won't (...) using (...) ordered (...) Maggie Cambron came up with some good suggestions about this. (URL) (...) at (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) Sounds great. I haven't seen the posters so that sounds interesting. And I know nothing about Fabuland, so I'm sure there's an education there. In fact, I know about as much about Fabuland as I know about Pirates (gee, do I know anything?) so (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) Well, you've probably seen a few Fabuland parts (and not realized it - anything with POOPness and sort of funky is likely to be Fabuland originated). Of course, if you've seen any Belville, you've seen more Fabuland parts (about half of the (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
"sheree rosenkrantz" <srosez@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:FvnpJ8.ErK@lugnet.com... [ ... mucho snippage ... ] (...) work (...) I (...) primary (...) probably (...) There is a web site ((URL) that discusses sail making in explicit detail. I (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) Ok, I just ran a page with a few fabric items. My copier doesn't distort the items to any noticeable degree. I suspect that the fact that it's one of those "personal" copiers helps. The glass is only a half an inch or so from the drum. I'm not (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
"Frank Filz" <ffilz@mindspring.com> wrote in message news:FvnnvI.9A8@lugnet.com... [ ... snipped ... ] (...) just (...) won't (...) using (...) ordered (...) I received three sets of all five UN posters about a month ago. They are really nice. I (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) Always interesting to see what gets shuffled to the bottom of the pile. I've discovered a few things (nothing really exciting though). As Mike can attest, my place looks like a LEGO warehouse... (...) Sounds cool. I'll plan on showing up. Same (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
Mike Walsh <mike_walsh@mindspring.com> wrote in message news:Fvnqqr.HuF@lugnet.com... (...) apply (...) This Is an excellent site. I want to try the sails in a somewhat thinner, more tightly woven fabric. Crisper edges on paint or ink on more (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
One more thing - I'll be bringing my digital camera (and slave flash if I get to the store to buy new batteries) so we can take pictures of people's creations etc. Frank (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) Right now I'm building buildings, so I'm interested in windows, arches, things that make for interesting architecture. Who knows what I actually need. I know I need 1 1x1x5 yellow brick, but that's all for sure. If you get lucky and bring (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
Cary Clark <cary@corp.nospamwebtv.net> wrote in message news:3938F368.BA5EB8...btv.net... (...) schedule (...) the 2 (...) Does anyone know if Martin has arrived safely? Has anyone heard from him? Probably too late for someone to check in with him (...) (25 years ago, 6-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
Martin called me Monday night and I gave him directions. He had arrived in Raleigh late Sunday night. He brought the catalogues, forgot to bring pictures of his MOCs, and eats pizza. We should all see him at 6:30 on Wednesday night. Cary (...) (25 years ago, 6-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) Hi, sorry for the delay but I was on vacation then lots of works... I just want to say that I had wonderfull time with you guy's. It was a pleasure to see you had I hope that the occasion will be back soon. I also want to thanks Sheree for the (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jul-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)
 | | Re: visit to Raleigh
(...) pleasure (...) the (...) on (...) Yep, pictures in this folder: (URL) was great to meet the person at the other end of the international LEGO pipeline... Frank (25 years ago, 3-Jul-00, to lugnet.loc.us.nc)