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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 655
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Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
Tue, 22 Aug 2000 14:14:59 GMT
1163 times
Brad Justus wrote:

<major snippage>
Finally, Tom – and others who have made the same observation – you’re
absolutely correct that our participation here has not been as promised. The
blame for this lies entirely with me, and I will make no excuses. I will
simply have to let our actions going forward (from this moment on) demonstrate
our commitment to you and all LEGO enthusiasts everywhere.

Brad, I know how launching a new business venture can be very time consuming, and
that you have a very full plate.  I have been a harsh critic of TLC in the past.
But from the beginning I decided to cut you some slack, and have given you and
LEGO Direct the benefit of the doubt.  My major concern has always been BULK
SALES.  So I am eagerly awaiting your end-of-week announcement.

My greatest hope is for buying common parts in rare colors and rare parts in
common colors (and I guess that would include rare parts in rare colors).  Also I
hope that at least some of the classic era windows (214 1-10) can be reproduced.

I realize you are not going to make everyone happy.   But based on what you have
provided AFOLs so far with your initial offering, I am looking forward to your

An optomistic skeptic,
Gary Istok
"In the beginning...... there was Town...."

Here’s a promise: I’ll be posting by the end of this week. And it’ll be news
that I think everyone is looking forward to.

Until then … Play Well.

-- Brad

Brad Justus
Senior Vice President, LEGO Direct

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
(...) Tom, you're right -- on all counts. It *is* ages later (in Internet time); but whether you like it or I like it, there are still parts of the world that move in regular old analog clock time (actually, most of the world does). We try not to be (...) (25 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to !! 

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