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Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
Sun, 20 Aug 2000 22:11:24 GMT
971 times

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
(...) I have some questions and comments on the above: - Is the above sequence to be followed when someone posts or causes to be posted an individuals personal information (such as address - see the VLC meeting location incident for an example)? - (...) (25 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to, lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
(...) (Replying to my own post) Just to be clear, the above are _suggestions_ to LEGO as to how to handle events like this in the future. They do not represent or define LUGNET site policy. Thus, "within a reasonable amount of time" is up to LEGO to (...) (25 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to

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  Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
(...) Tom, you're right -- on all counts. It *is* ages later (in Internet time); but whether you like it or I like it, there are still parts of the world that move in regular old analog clock time (actually, most of the world does). We try not to be (...) (25 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to !! 

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