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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 653
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Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
Tue, 22 Aug 2000 00:15:45 GMT
1127 times
Lorbaat wrote:

In, Eric Joslin writes:

Och.  Well, make better sets, and you won't have to worry about
cannibalisation.  Seriously.

I hate to follow myself up, but I thought of something else in this vein:

I've spent well over $250 in the past two weeks on Lego.  Probably closer to
$300.  Lego will see none of that money, because it wasn't spent in a store.
It was spent on eBay and in private deals, buying sets that are, in my opinion,
higher-quality than what Lego produces today.

You should be less concerned with future releases cannibalizing your sales than
with old releases doing the same.


I spend more on new store-bought sets than those old sets on Ebay, but I
should explain in detail. I buy the new sets when they are on sale or deep
discount. (judging from the shelves, S@H will be offering Town Jr. and Rock
Raider sets for weeks and weeks just like the Technic Spider Slayer theme.)
More often than not, I buy them for parts that fit into a Blacktron I theme.
Except for a couple SW sets, I won't pay full price.

But I will pay way over original price for Blacktron I sets on Ebay. Unlike
many of the new sets, Blacktron I is worth it.

I guess my feeling is if the 2001 sets are good sets at good values, letting
expectation rise would be a good thing. If they aren't reasonably priced and
interesting, they'll sit on the shelves until clearenced and then parted out
to contribute to personal creations of old themes.

I think I'm in agreement with Eric.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
(...) Well, I'm fairly certain that it doesn't matter much to Lego (in the short term anyway) if you pay full retail price at Wal-Mart or wait for WM to drop them to 50% off to clear them off the shelf. Wal-Mart paid for the sets up front, so the (...) (25 years ago, 22-Aug-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: So where is Brad's answer to the 2001 info?
(...) I hate to follow myself up, but I thought of something else in this vein: I've spent well over $250 in the past two weeks on Lego. Probably closer to $300. Lego will see none of that money, because it wasn't spent in a store. It was spent on (...) (25 years ago, 21-Aug-00, to

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