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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 2330
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Re: TLC/TLG about to supress fan created films?
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 15:21:04 GMT
16 times
"John Neal" <> wrote in message
Lawrence Wilkes wrote:
Lego should be PAYING folks to have their bricks featured in films, not
trying to stop them.

Why in the world should TLC *pay* fans to play with their products?  That • would
be very bad, because TLC wouldn't exist much longer with that marketing
strategy (amazing; a strategy even worse than juniorization;)


Maybe TLC would choose to pay for a major motion picture to feature their
product, but they would expect a benefit (more sales).  Fans playing with LEGO
*already* bought the product-- where's the benefit for TLC for paying?

I agree.  And TLC quashing fan-made films, for profit or not, is very bad PR.
At least TLC should work with fan made films and develop a solution in both of
their best interests.

There is the issue of how the product is portrayed, that plays an effect.  But
in One, that wasn't the case -- the product was not portrayed in a way that goes
against the company's standards.

TLC needs to watch itself more on these issues in the future.  They're already
suffering from sales, they don't want to suffer from a negative image in
relation to its fans too.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: TLC/TLG about to supress fan created films?
(...) It's called advertising. Cars featured in this way *sell cars* for those car companies. (...) Why in the world should TLC *pay* fans to play with their products? That would be very bad, because TLC wouldn't exist much longer with that (...) (24 years ago, 29-Mar-01, to lugnet.animation,

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